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Resume Meg Applegate Resume Meg Applegate

Steer Your Career: Accelerate Resume Success with the C.A.R. Method

"I get around as nature intended: In a car." Actress Meg Ryan tells beau, actor Kevin Kline, how she travels in lieu of her fear of flying in the 90's romcom, French Kiss. Flirtation permeates their banter, but so does resume writing advice. Hear me out.

Resumes travel by email, but your career impact needs to be framed first by a C.A.R.  The C.A.R. method is a three-part framework to drill down on your work wins to articulate your impact. 

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Career Management Meg Applegate Career Management Meg Applegate

Career Growth Made Simple

Make things easier for yourself. That's Kendra Adachi’s “Lazy Genius” way. And I’m here for it. Late to the party on the 2020 read, Adachi provides a simple system to be a genius about what matters and lazy about what doesn’t. Applied to all areas of life from your silverware drawer to your closet, I’m ready to apply her one magic to kill career (and job search) overwhelm.

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Return to Work Meg Applegate Return to Work Meg Applegate

Top 6 Resume Tips for the Return-to-Work Mom (with a proven resume template)

What does back to school mean for you as a mom? Kids aren’t the only ones calibrating to a new rhythm. Returning to school brings a world of new possibilities for students and parents. Whether it’s the first time all your kids are out of the nest or you’re reordering your work and life, the “What’s next?” question can be a daunting one. Leverage these six proven resume tips to transition to paid work with ease.

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