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Career Management Meg Applegate Career Management Meg Applegate

Spark Hope: Gifts for Working Women That Unleash Lasting Peace & Joy in 2023

“Hope is not a strategy” is a popular quip. But without hope, life is futile. Take one glance at your favorite news outlet and you’re inundated with headlines of a looming recession, skyrocketing inflation and imminent layoffs. It’s easy to get fearful, caught up in the rising tide of uncertainty that can leave you wading in your own personal pool of anxiety. We need a solid foundation in the calm and the crazy. Check out 11 resources recommended by working women that point to an immovable hope that lasts.

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Career Management Meg Applegate Career Management Meg Applegate

Level Up After Layoff: 4 Career Clarity Tactics for a Targeted Path to Employment

You lost your job. Now what? Well, first, let’s get honest. It’s a good cry and fists to a punching bag to let it all hang out. Then, address the nuts and bolts of your new reality including the ever-looming question: “What’s Next?” Arm yourself with confidence using four career clarity exercises for a targeted path to employment.

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Career Management Meg Applegate Career Management Meg Applegate

Career Growth Made Simple

Make things easier for yourself. That's Kendra Adachi’s “Lazy Genius” way. And I’m here for it. Late to the party on the 2020 read, Adachi provides a simple system to be a genius about what matters and lazy about what doesn’t. Applied to all areas of life from your silverware drawer to your closet, I’m ready to apply her one magic to kill career (and job search) overwhelm.

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Return to Work Meg Applegate Return to Work Meg Applegate

Top 6 Resume Tips for the Return-to-Work Mom (with a proven resume template)

What does back to school mean for you as a mom? Kids aren’t the only ones calibrating to a new rhythm. Returning to school brings a world of new possibilities for students and parents. Whether it’s the first time all your kids are out of the nest or you’re reordering your work and life, the “What’s next?” question can be a daunting one. Leverage these six proven resume tips to transition to paid work with ease.

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Career Management Meg Applegate Career Management Meg Applegate

Top 10 Career Resource Picks for Moms - Updated 2022

Motherhood is an all-out, hands-on, messy course in leadership. From the stork’s arrival to beyond the empty nest, moms enroll in the most-character building (and trying) boot camp there is: Raising children.

Mother’s Day's flowers fade and fall, but career longevity lasts a lifetime. Our ode to moms is more than fresh flowers, but a career resource bouquet to grow with the seasons.

From returning to work and leaning in to scaling back, we need each other (and expert resources) to bloom over the long haul. Here are ten picks that will help you (or the mom in your life) grow in 2022.

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Career Management Meg Applegate Career Management Meg Applegate

14 Ways to Maximize your Career Through the Seasons

There is a saying in Indiana that if you don’t like the weather, wait a few minutes. We are notorious for 80-degree weather one day and snow the next. Life (and your career) can be a bit like that, too.

Thanks to Pete Seeger and (the Bible’s book of Ecclesiastes), we know “to everything, there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.” While I know this deep in my chilled, snow-comes-in-late-spring bones as a Midwesterner, we don’t always acknowledge it in our lives and especially not in our careers.

While nature’s life cycle is on repeat, the phases of our life aren’t so reliable. We can skip from a career season of plenty to dire straits in a heartbeat. Try these 14 DIY practices to make the most of each season (and flourish).

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Job Search Meg Applegate Job Search Meg Applegate

101 Questions for Women to Uncover Wins for Career Advancement

Women sell themselves short. From inner thought loops to career collateral, it's time to tackle this very real issue residing in so many female brains and career trajectories. Whether you are updating your resume, asking for a raise or taking a boxing glove to beat back the lies in your head, do it with this simple practice. Unpack your career contributions with confidence to put your irreplaceable impact on full display. It's time well spent now for that next-level role or raise. Trust me. Your future self thanks you.

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Job Search Meg Applegate Job Search Meg Applegate

For the Love of Recruiters: How to Best Partner with a Recruiter for your 2022 Job Search

The ONE. It’s the age-old dating question: Is there one person we are destined to love? It’s Valentines’ week and no matter where you stand on the matter, the Hallmark holiday is about celebrating love: From your affection at the moment to your ride-or-die for life.

But in a job search, multiple partners at the same time are a must. There isn’t just ONE person who will mobilize your career advancement. It takes a village. From mentors and coaches to sponsors and resume writers, to company insiders and decision-makers - It takes a network. And this Valentine’s holiday, let’s show our love to one beloved job search partner: The recruiter.

So if you are behind your screen fumbling over your words in a reach out, unsure on how to keep contact or maintain a connection, I got you. I took my burning relational questions to nine recruiters to uncover what works to cultivate a real connection with a recruiter.

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Career Management, Branding Meg Applegate Career Management, Branding Meg Applegate

From Employee to Entrepreneur: Why Working Moms Need a Personal Brand in 2022

“I feel like I'm always running on defense" + "Over it!"

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, women are taking the pressure off and leaning into their values, priorities and needs within work more than ever before. Whether you are leveraging your skills for an employer, as a freelancer, or looking to launch a business, there is one constant you need to cultivate no matter the zig and zag of your career - Your personal brand.

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Career Management Meg Applegate Career Management Meg Applegate

Mentor, Coach, or Sponsor – Who Does a Mid-Career Woman Need to Get Ahead?

There is still a broken rung on the promotion path to manager. A consistent trend since 2016, according to Lean In and McKinsey & Company’s Women in the Workplace 2021 report. Which begs the question: What (or who) do women need to advance?

Breaking down three common career guides whose form and functions are easily entangled and confused - Mentor, Coach and Sponsor, you’ll know who to invite into your career journey at the right time to reach your goals.

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Resume Meg Applegate Resume Meg Applegate

Customize Your Resume in 20 Minutes or Less

Going nowhere is a hard, worn-out road.

It’s lonely even though companions fear and shame are bumping up next to you each day. “You should have landed already” and “You don’t know what you’re doing” drum in your head like a marching beat.

The map to reach your career goals? It’s confusing. You find yourself turning it every which way to make sense of it. And your not-so-encouraging buddies are no help in the matter either.

And you thirst. Oh, you thirst to take the right step in the right direction at the right time.

Tired career sojourner: If your resume and job search are wearing you down, take heart! Prioritize your path and master the resume edits you need to go from lackluster to landed.

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Career, Job Search Meg Applegate Career, Job Search Meg Applegate

Brave Work: Female Salary Negotiation Strategies for the Modern Job Search

Self-promotion isn’t easy. Especially for women. Typically, our natural mode of operation is to diminish our accomplishments, beat ourselves up over mistakes and overvalue expertise (which makes us undervalue ourselves in the process).

And it costs. In cold hard cash.

Close to 60% of women are leaving money on the table when it comes to salary negotiation in the job search.

Brave negotiation is a life-long skill, ladies. Now more than ever step out and ask for what you need at work. From a flexible schedule to competitive pay, negotiate with confidence (even while your palms sweat and your stomach turns!).

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Resume, Personal Branding Meg Applegate Resume, Personal Branding Meg Applegate

13 Hot Tips to Sweet Talk Employers this Summer

The small, red magnifying glass. Do you remember it?

The anticipation as the glass hovered over the marbled red and white paper spinner to reveal whodunit. It's where revolver and rope murder mysteries were laid to rest in living rooms across the U.S. in the nineties.

Keep your spyglass out because you aren't too old for the real-world Clue Junior in your job search just yet. The investigative skill you need to sweet talk employers in your career documents is the same sleuthing prowess you employed in the childhood mystery game.

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Working Mom Meg Applegate Working Mom Meg Applegate

Top Career Resource Picks for Moms in 2021

May is the month of the mother. Motherhood is an all-out, hands-on, messy course in leadership. From the stork’s arrival to beyond the empty nest, moms enroll in the most-character building (and trying) boot camp there is: Raising children. Our ode to moms is more than fresh flowers, but a career resource bouquet to grow with the seasons.

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Resume, Personal Branding Meg Applegate Resume, Personal Branding Meg Applegate

Color Me Convinced

Let’s face it. Black and white in our colorful digital age is boring, basic and blah. We live in a visual world with our eyes as the primary portal for our experiences.

Color not only impacts interest but memory and attention as well, according to recent research. Color ads, for example, gain 42% more readership than black and white counterparts. And color increases brand recognition by 80%.

The same is true for your resume. Today, career documents are read on digital devices rather than heavy-weight paper. So, it is important to not only nail your content but the viewer experience as well.

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Resume Meg Applegate Resume Meg Applegate

The Tailored Tool You Need for Board Membership

Career advancement isn’t always up the ladder. Expand your impact on a board of directors.

16.9% of corporate board seats are held by women globally, according to Deloitte’s Women in the Board Room Report, 6th edition, with 2,987 women having a seat at the table in the United States.

Yep, you guessed it. Your voice (and skills) are needed in the boardroom. Equip yourself with the tools you need to nab your seat, including a tailored board resume.

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